
Ted Sheridan - If Hell Exist It Can't Be Hell Enough For Men Like Him

2014-10-28 12 Dailymotion

Confessing to everything from masturbation in public
to burying a little girl alive and alone with her plush toy
she was found several weeks after her disappearance
wrapped in a bargain brand plastic trash bag...with beer cans
her tiny innocent hands bound and still outstretched
unsucessfully trying to dig her way from her shallow grave
she had a new dark home behind his trailer
and as she had spent her last moments on earth....he had a drink___
confessing to everything from his masturbating in public
to having sex with that young girl of ten....
the one he left for dead in the cul-de-sac behind his trailer
she was naked and crying in pain with a broken neck
forty eight hours of pure horror.......
until a passerby heard her weeping
for God to please let her die___
confessing to everything from masturbation in public
to the murder and rapes of so many more innocents
he smiles at his deceased executioners as his last breath leaves
his nicotine filled lungs....not with a whimper but a lie......

God is all knowing.....in that man is not forgiving

2007 © Ted Sheridan

Ted Sheridan
