
Chris Boyles - 'Never Give Up'

2014-10-28 7 Dailymotion

When darkness calls on a sunny day
when blue skies turn to dingy grey.
When your heart aches with pain
when you feel like its the last grain.

There is a light for you did show
just how bright it can really glow.
You gave a rose life from death
another chance to take a breath.

You dried tears, you gave a smile
warmed a cold heart for a while.
Made one believe in their value
this happened because you are you.

When all seems lost and at an end
please remember you have a friend.
Pain and hurt we all do share
but dont forget some really care.

The days are long the nights dead
unfurling thoughts inside our head.
For why do we have to suffer so
wishing the pain would up and go.

The sun will again shine for you
clouds turning from grey to blue.
A heart thats heavy full of pain
will find its home one day again.

Do not give in or give up the fight
I have faith in you each day and night.
I will not hate or give up on you
although its what you want me to.

I want to understand and be there
for I cannot ignore when I do care.
Trust in those who do trust in you
for they will be there in all you do.

A tear falls as it feels your pain
you words echo to me once again.
Be strong, be yourself, dont weep
for in my heart your soul do I keep.

With my arms close Id hug you so
keeping you from harm you know.
No words said but to see you smile
knowing that you are safe for a while.

When darkness calls on a sunny day
when blue skies turn to dingy grey.
Know in your heart what is true
that I will always be there for you.

Chris..17 April.2006..1.30am.uk

Chris Boyles
