
Herbert Nehrlich - Facts And Factoids

2014-10-28 6 Dailymotion

A Fact is something you can see.
And hear and smell and it can be
of any size or shape at all,
as well as short or big and tall.

It's something you may want to beat,
if it's a Fact that's called Defeat.
Facts are not easy to avoid
thus man invented the Factoid.

When facts occur or are the case
on true experience they are based.
A Fact is never an illusion,
it does not spring from a conclusion.

A Factoid does not really live,
it is a cloud that aims to give
the clear impression it exists.
It writes itself on many lists.

And here it is, for you a hint,
a Factoid lives once it's in print.
The printed word is just like sperm,
so eager, first to twist and squirm.

It soon begets a million more
all Factoids from the common whore,
which is, of course that thing called Lie,
a Factoid leaves you high and dry.

So, if you want to pull one over
you spread the word, the town of Dover
is situated on the Nile.
Endless repeats will, in a while

create an earnest paradigm
which can withstand the wraths of time.
The internet, a breeding ground
for factoids, where they go around

it spreads the gospel of deceit,
which is so easy, for they meet
a billion souls who lead a meagre
existence, and, therefore are eager

to swallow hook and line and sinker
each stylish looking Factoid stinker.
You ask why Factoids are around
(and it is true that they abound) ,

They've been created to dumb down
the masses, each becomes a clown.

Herbert Nehrlich
