Home is made of family;
It's where I'll always be,
cuz' there isn't a thing better,
in this whole world to me.
My husband, he works hard,
his hands are cracked and ruff,
yet he has a tender heart,
he comforts me when things get tuff.
Our oldest is now twenty,
our youngest is just seven,
though between them there are many,
it's all I've seen of Heaven.
The Angels, they watch over us,
our family, our home.
God knows that I'm not lonely,
I'm barely ever alone!
No handbook was given to me,
the day that each arrived,
so through trials and error,
we somehow have survived.
Invisible glue made of love,
That's what it's all about;
Home and family are life to me,
and that is without a doubt.
Wealth is held in many ways,
we barely make ends meet.
Yet I am wealthy beyond compare,
for my children are healthy and sweet.
Home is where the heart is,
in snow or desert heat,
my heart is where my family is,
for love of family, can't be beat!
We've never owned a house,
and we've felt the stormy weather;
but the love that bonds us now,
has kept us close together.
Home is where the heart is,
wherever that may be;
my heart is where my family is,
for they're the very best part of me.
Ann Marie Forest