
It is evident that the YPG and the PKK are terrorist groups

2014-10-26 2 Dailymotion

-  Mr. Adnan, there is a map showing the safe zone requested by Turkey.

Adnan Oktar: Let me see.

-  Turkey wants the marked areas to be safe zones.

Adnan Oktar: Yes, that’s it. Kobane is there too. So tell me, who is actually protecting our Kurdish brothers and sisters? Turkey is protecting them. Some people say the PYD is a people’s force and protects people. You [PYD] are nothing but  a pest for the people. Imagine a Kurdish town, a Kurdish village  and PYD guerillas go there. They are Stalinist, communist guerillas. They are murderers. They are homicidal psychos. So are they really the protectors of the people there, or only  pests, a trouble for them? Think about the villages there. How would the people there feel if mafia members went to that village and harassed them? This is what the PYD is doing. They have no fear of God, they have no shame, they are irreligious, Stalinist, communist people. They keep propagandizing communism. And they are making the people there very uncomfortable, our Kurdish people. Actually Kurdish people are not running from ISIS, they are running from the harassment of the PYD and that is why they sought refuge in Turkey. PYD members hate themselves too. So this shows that communism is wrong and so are Darwinism and materialism. They should act intelligently, with faith in God. [Addressing the PYD people] Repent, correct your behavior.


-  According to the report of the International Crisis Organization, just like you said, the people in Kobane and Jazira cantons have always run from the PYD. A majority of the people in Jazira, Syria fled there before ISIS showed up. They were running from the PYD. And Syrian Kurds confirm that the PYD was never a freedom supporter as some claim.


Adnan Oktar: The PYD was like tyrants hovering over them. Do this, do that, line up, we will draft you. You will give us food, money. And they disrespected Islam and the Qur'an all the time. They intervened during the prayers, the fasting of Muslims. They were a complete nuisance. They mocked religion, staged plays to mock religion. They mocked prayer. There are pure young girls, pure mothers there. They are very conservative, religious people and they were deeply disturbed by the filth of the PYD. PYD members would go to their houses, and sleep in there. They were like a nightmare to our Kurdish brothers and sisters, harassing and disturbing them for so many years. Finally, they [Kurdish people] came to Turkey and got rid of that disturbing situation. Everyone hated the PYD.

KG: Syrian Kurdish columnist Jan Dost said, ‘The PYD is the stick of the Assad regime. Kurds suffered more in the hands of the PKK/PYD than at the hands of Assad.” 

Adnan Oktar: True, because the PYD is a very aggressive, psychopathic, blood-thirsty organization. They are homicidal. They use people’s houses.

AK: Mr. Oktar, in the Jazira canton first there was no threat of ISIS and Assad regime was not attacking them yet, but they came despite that. The Kurdish people came even then since our border crossing was open.

Adnan Oktar: The rationale here is very clear. Our Kurdish mothers and fathers are very honorable and conservative people that love God. Their hearts shiver when God is remembered. They love to talk about God. They recite the Qur'an perfectly. They are deeply devoted to God and the Quran. Most of them are connected to a religious sect. Most are Naqshbandis or Qadiris. They are great people. Most of them are the Treatise of Light students. The Treatise of Light is very widespread amongst the Kurds. They read it both in Kurdish and in Turkish. They are people who love reading the Treatise of Light. And think about it, PKK/YPG members enter the houses of such good people, with their filthy shoes and everything. They order them around, ask for food. There are young girls in those houses, nice, kind household in there and these PKK/PYD members are ready to kill any moment, with their bloodshot eyes. And Kurdish people did not know what to do to protect themselves from them. And finally they took shelter in Turkey. Just leave our people alone. Go already.


- Mr. Oktar, the President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, talked about the PYD’s request for weapons, and said that it was very wrong for the USA to expect us to accept this request. He said that the PYD equals the PKK and the PYD is also a terrorist organization.


Adnan Oktar: Of course. They are the same. For example, the PKK abduct beautiful girls from their families, make them wear PKK clothes and present them as PKK members, while their mothers weep. Their mothers would never want something like that. And they do sit-in protests [to save their children.] They take young girls and present them as ‘PKK members’. Those young girls also love the Qur'an and Islam but they are taken against their will.