
NYPD Officers Chase Runaway Horse

2014-10-21 139 Dailymotion

NYPD officers recently had to chase a runaway horse through the streets of Manhattan. The horse named Barney had managed to escape his halter.

We expect to see horses prancing around freely on a farm but not in the urban jungle of New York City.

NYPD officers recently had to chase a runaway horse through the streets of Manhattan. The horse had managed to escape his halter.

Once he was free, the horse quickly bolted away from the stables and was spotted moving against traffic before police arrived to stop him.

One squad car stayed directly behind the animal while another one sped up to his side in an effort to block a turn. Cops were eventually able to corner him at a bus depot.

The horse driver soon arrived on scene with a bucket of oats to corral him back to the stables. NYCLASS, the organization that aims to ban horse drawn carriages in the city is using this incident to address their concerns.

Allie Feldman, the Executive Director, noted “This is the latest example of why horse drawn carriages are not just inhumane but entirely unsafe in a city congested with cars, trucks and buses.”

A spokesperson for Horse and Carriage Association of New York City spoke up as well, saying the occurrence is a rare one and that they have an excellent safety record.

The horse’s owner states he wasn’t injured and was put to work a day after freely roaming the streets.