
How to Create the Perfect Pulled Pork Sandwich Quickly and Easily!

2014-10-21 1,520 Dailymotion

Kitchen Claws Premium Meat Forks by KitchenReady

Use these Meat Claws for Quick and Easy Pulled Pork BBQ.
The Easy-to-Grip Meat Forks are perfect to use when Carving a Turkey or Chicken, Cutting a Roast or Slicing a Spiral Ham.
A great way to secure large fruits such as watermelon!
Toss and Serve Salads or Mix Coleslaw.
High Quality, Durable, Heat Resistant Meat Forks to Safely and Securely Transfer Hot Foods making the Kitchen Claws the Perfect Accessory for any Kitchen or Grill.

A Top Seller on Amazon.com!