
The PKK, which once said it would attack Turkish troops if they entered Kobane, now seeks protection from the Turkish troops it regarded as the enemy

2014-10-17 2 Dailymotion

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated October 08th, 2014

Does the PKK hate Turkish troops, or not? Does it want to kill them wherever it sees them, or not? The answer is clear. You are asking people you hate and want to kill to ‘protect me, I am seeking safety with you.’ You must first put your immorality and wickedness right. Salih Müslim (their leader) once told the BBC that ‘We will regard it as an invasion if the Turks enter Kobane, and we will kill Turkish troops.’ So why are you begging now? First they said we will shoot you if you go in. Now they are begging them to do so. Is there any logic in that? See what state God has brought them to? You should first prostrate yourselves and repent and beg for forgiveness. You must say; 'The heroic Turkish Army is my insurance policy. I must strengthen and support it.' They should be saying; 'The Turkish Army is a great force that will be at our side day and night. We trust Turkish troops to defend our honor and faith. God uses them as His instrument. So we should protect and support them also and strengthen them,’ But they are doing the exact opposite and trying to bring our army down. They bomb military facilities, throw Molotov cocktails at soldiers and shoot at them. They have martyred tens of thousands up in the mountains. What hypocrisy and effrontery! Then they say, ‘Could we have some heavy weapons, please?’ You will obviously just run away and abandon them, and they will then fall into ISIS' hands. They will also use those weapons to go and kill Turkish soldiers. They will not use them to fight ISIS face to face, they are too scared.

It is not our duty to protect the murderous killers of the PKK. But if they come and give themselves up and put their trust in the Turkish state and abandon their arms, then we will protect them. If they repent.

But we will protect Kurdish mothers and children. They are our mothers and children.

So much for the PKK protecting the Kurdish people! The PKK used to say, ‘We are the people’s militia.’ Now look, they are dressing as women and running away. They have seen they cannot protect the people in any way. Only Turkish troops can do that.

The Kurds are very dear to me. Many of our brothers and sisters here are Kurds. They are very dear to me. My master Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, was a Kurd. Salahuddin Ayyubi [Saladin] was a Kurd.

Being Kurdish means being part of my nation. It means being my mother and sister. My mothers are coming to Turkey because they know us. They are crossing the border from danger to safety and saying, ‘thanks be to God.’   They embrace the Turkish soldiers as soon as they get here. Yet the PKK say they will shoot Turkish troops whenever they see any. Yet a Kurdish mother says she will embrace Turkish troops whenever she sees them. Those Kurdish mothers are therefore our mothers.

An emergency corridor has been opened up on the Turkish-Syrian border, and old people, women and children are crossing. The injured are being brought to our hospitals. It is Turkey that made the corridor possible. Nobody can suggest anything different because the presence of those refugees is proof. Even PKK members injured in the fighting against ISIS are being carried through the corridor to Turkey for treatment.

- Teacher, there were pictures of how our troops on the Syrian border took care of our incoming Kurdish brothers.

Adnan Oktar: Would they have come here had the PKK been waiting for those mothers? Would those people have come to an area controlled by the PKK? They would have regarded that as hell. They would never have come. But because of the presence of Turkish troops they are coming in an unbelievable state of calm and trust.

- I saw a video of people crossing the border. They right away hugged our troops.

Adnan Oktar: The facts are obvious. But the PKK depicts the Turkish army as the most dangerous and harmful people in the world. Then why do those mothers coming from a PKK-controlled area happily embrace our troops when they get across the border? That means that the people never have and never will believe in the PKK.

I repeat that we will protect the PKK is they repent their past deeds and ask for forgiveness. There is no other way, though. They are stabbing us in the back and then saying come and save us. Then they have the nerve to ask us for heavy weapons. They will obviously use those weapons against our troops. How can we send our army to a place inhabited by a group that turns its guns on the Turkish nation and its troops? They would shoot them right away.