

2007-06-10 1,258 Dailymotion

Death threats have Been COMING FROM... TOMMY, LIl al, YOUng SICC, Dj fingaz, & E-Low ALL sending death threats

and SOldiers to KILL Jimrock ON national CITY streets. The Streets are HOT for Jimrock. They want HIM To take

Videos down That are GETTING WORLDwide ATTEntion. and bad attention for the RUEN Camp. WITH most Members wanting

JImrock dead in SOUTh San Diego. Jimrock needs to roll with BODYGuards and Guns now in SAN DIEGO..What makes

Ruen Kloze unique is its combination of true life graffiti art, urban culture sprinkled with the hip-hop genre.

The clothing line has incorporated real life experiences and created innovated products of style and fashion.

This differentiates Ruen Kloze from their competitors by ”living the life” and producing products which are

”real”. Many commercialized companies create products based on what they hear and read about but not actually

experienced. As the business grew, Eddie Barajas teamed up with Dyze and was instrumental in marketing Ruen

Kloze Internationally. Ruen Kloze is for everybody, and urban , hip-hop and street wear are worn by all. Fresh

and innovated ideas are always in production and constantly being introduced. It is a constant daily battle to

be in competition with major urban stre