
Powering the Planet - Current status update, urgency, problems and major topics involved

2014-10-11 20 Dailymotion

Its critical to watch the entire video to understand the major issues and problems of powering the planet without fossil fuels. It's also critical to understand the issues in order to gauge the urgency of the problem. There's only one possible way to power this planet without fossil fuels and that's river flow. It's the only constant energy source that has enough power to create electricity for the entire planet. Sustainability is the key to man-kinds survival.

The ebb flow effects on river flow was our biggest challenge and issue we had to overcome in designing this new energy invention. I called it backwash in this video. I have REAL LIFE engineering examples that show the power projections of a 50GW, 200GW and 750GW implementation of SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHICAL sites. All the conceptual engineering, artist renderings, power projections, etc. are completed and ready to be illustrated and verified by outside engineers in order to VALIDATE the power projections of each example.

Ebb flow effects on rivers has been an issue for 1000's of years and until now it has remained a deterrent for creating energy in rivers. How many people know or ever heard of Ebb. I am trying to bring the world together for all of man-kind. The opportunities and challenges to powering this planet are tremendous. What are you afraid of? Change? Greed? Skepticism? This new energy invention is for our children and grand children's future and is bigger than all of us.