
Massage Tool Back Lower back, legs, www.happytriggerus.com

2014-10-05 51 Dailymotion

Locate a sore and tender point in the seat muscles. Apply pressure to the tender point for 10 seconds, relax for 10 seconds, and repeat 2-3 times. Pressure against the backside muscles sometimes gives a radiating feeling out into the legs to know more: http://www.happytriggerus.com

Continue down along the outside of your legs, repeating the process and moving onto the backside of your legs

The happy trigger has been developed to instantly relieve tension anywhere on your body --even hard to reach areas -- without others' help. Happy trigger is a state-of-the-art hand-held massage and acupressure tool that is extremely easy to use.

You can take this modern, stylish invention with you wherever you go. Try the happy trigger and enjoy pain relief like so many before you!
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