
Budweiser's Adorable PSA Addresses Drunk Driving

2014-09-22 1 Dailymotion

The latest ad by Budweiser aims to raise awareness and urge people not to get behind the wheel after drinking in a creative and attention-grabbing way. The star feature of the public service announcement titled ‘Friends Are Waiting’ is an adorable dog.

The latest ad by Budweiser aims to raise awareness about drunk driving. In a creative and attention-grabbing way, it urges people not to get behind the wheel after drinking. The star feature of the public service announcement titled ‘Friends Are Waiting’ is an adorable dog.

The ad starts out depicting the joys of dog ownership but quickly turns somber. When the male leaves for a night of drinking with friends, the sad pooch is left idly waiting at home for his return.

The canine stares out the window and gets excited when a car drives by, but the pooch is let down to see it isn’t his owner. That’s when captions appear noting “For some, the waiting never ended. But we can change that.”

Towards the end, the dog lifts his head to the sound of the door opening. Suddenly his owner appears and says he didn’t want to drive home so he decided to stay at his friend's house.

The PSA clearly shows what friends, family and pets go through while waiting for a loved one to safely return. It also highlights the importance of making a plan to get back home.