
Tawa Pulao – तवा पुलाव – Spicy Main Course Rice Recipe

2014-09-12 2,308 Dailymotion

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२ tbsp बटर
२ कटे हुए प्याज़
१ & १/२ tbsp अदरक लहसुन की पेस्ट
१ & १/२ शिमला मिर्च
४ कटे हुए टमाटर
धनिया पत्ता
२ tbsp पाव भाजी मसाला
२ कटी हुई हरी मिर्च
१ tbsp पानी
१ cup उबले हुए मटर
२ उबले हुए आलू
३ cup चावल

- Melt butter in a heated tava and add the onions.
- Let the onions fry till its translucent and not brown.
- Add ginger garlic paste and cook it
- Add capsicum to it and saute them a bit
- Add the tomatoes, coriander, pav bhaji masala, salt, green chillies, mix everything well and cook it till the tomatoes are absolutely soft
- Add water and again mix well everything
- Add green peas, potatoes and mix everything well
- Add rice, coriander leaves, salt to the mixture and mix everything well and its ready to served hot.

Director: Narayan Thakur
Camera: Narayan Thakur / Jay Nayak
Editing: Ravi Varma
Script: Zeal Dhruna
Voice Over: Mohita Namjoshi
Creative Head: Kavya Krishnaswamy
Producer: Rajjat A. Barjatya
Copyrights: Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited