ROI Association implemented the pilot project “Zburd-Education through coaching” during 2012-2013, aiming at improving performance of 5 technical profile highschools with poor results at the final graduation (less than 20% of the students passed the examination).
This project proves that when the teachers, students and the parents work together the results are outstanding, even when the majority of the scholars come out of under-privileged environments. The succes stories from the 5 high schools are presented in the documentary film entitled “Yes we can!”, made in 2013 by the director Tedy Necula. The movie wants to inspire other schools to apply the team work between teachers-pupils-parents.
Volunteer coaches worked for approximately 2 years and formed in each high school a core-team compound of teachers, students and parents. Through meetings every 2-3 weeks, the team members were encouraged to set up obiectives, find solutions, plan and act.
The 5 high schools obtained very good results: significant growth of passing the high school diploma exam (2-3 times better versus an average raise of 20% at national scale), reduction of absenteeism, solutions for violence generated problems. Also, the scholars enhanced their self-confidence and they learned to work in a team. In addition, communication between teachers and students improved, and the parents started to get involved in school’s life.
Since 2014, the project „Zburd-Education through coaching” will be applied during the program Adopt a high-school, initiated by ROI Association together with Scoala de Valori. Over 20 high schools applied for this project. We currently consider other 3-4 high schools in order to work intensively with, starting with the autumn of 2014.
As well, in order to share their experience, in partnership with the Romanian Institutute of Educational Sciences, the experts of ROI Association contributed to the design and delivery of an accredited training for “lifelong learning facilitators”. 800 teachers from the whole country benefited from this training, organised during May-June 2014 in several cities throughout the country. These project was possibile due to a project financed through European Funds and the feedback received from the participants was very good.
In the pilot phase, Zburd-Educatie through coaching was implemented by ROI Association in partenership with Romanian Association for Coaching, Leadership in International Management and The Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education from Bucharest University, with the support of Ministry of National Education. The pilot project was based on volunteering, therefore the necessary resources were minimal. These funds were ensured by Raiffeisen Comunităti, European Program Youth in Action, individual contributors through crowdfunding and by the participation to „Yes we can!” movie screening.
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