
AE eSports CS:GO XI - Lead: WinD & Co-Lead: Fat Fink

2014-08-26 120 Dailymotion

displaying 3 Games, 3 Maps of XI Geforce eSports Leader and Captain WindNvidia3D with Co-Leader and Top Awper Fat Fink - Displaying despite finks incredible AWP shots, when AWPing as a duo Wind and Fink can be unstoppable against not only 5; but I'll even up the anty to 9 or 10. :P - Also displaying Myself in my lead Rifler/Fragger role using my map route knowledge to flank and decimate opponents while using suppressing and sacrificial methods to pull out 2 or three targets to Fat Fink's AWP if I felt I could not frag them in the situation I was in.

Edited by myself from around 5-6ish AM until 7PM; the video began to take form when I decided just to show clips of us in the exact same round back to back, and during my favorite part in rapid succession.

- XI Geforce eSports