ELF ON A SHELF GOES BAD FOR MONSTER MADNESS! (THIS IS NOT FOR KIDS!) Check out to see what happens to this naughty boy who disrespects an elf. SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/9AGRm
It's Monster Madness here on Cinefix, so make sure to check out the meeting to decide our lineup of head to head battles here:
Here are some other Elf on a Shelf Gone Bad stories we loved as well -
AdWeek ran a fun evil elf gallery: http://talent.adweek.com/gallery/THE-BAD-ELF-ON-A-SHELF-(not-for-children)/6307149
Scary mommy shows us that mommies need to get their kicks somehow: http://www.scarymommy.com/elf-on-the-shelf-bad/
Lil Blue Boo lists some almost R-Rated Elf Shenannigans:
There's even a whole popular Elf On A Shelf Gone Bad Facebook Page:
And for those few of you who don't want to screw up your children and just want some holiday spirit (lame... cough cough...), here's some pretty cool ideas for Elf on a Shelf from Buzzfeed:
What do you think of the first of our Monster themed Cinefix Original Movie? Do you want to see more original scripted stuff from us?
Let us know in the comments below!
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