
Chef Dies After Being Bitten By A Decapitated Snake

2014-08-26 51 Dailymotion

A chef in China died from a fatal venom dose delivered by the severed head of a cobra.

It’s perfectly reasonable to believe a snakehead that had long been severed from its body couldn’t do much harm. However, that's not always the case.

Unfortunately, for a chef in China that's exactly what happened, as he was fatally bitten by one.

The cobra was decapitated in advance of preparing a dish calling for it as a main ingredient.

Using serpents in soups has become increasingly popular in China, where snake flesh is believed to be a source of special healing powers when consumed.

The meal had already been prepared and served when the chef went back to clean up.

It’s said that 20 minutes had passed before he reached for the head, yet it managed to sink its fangs into his skin, releasing a dose of deadly venom.

Those in the restaurant said the chef’s screams could be heard throughout the dining room.

Emergency crews were called to the restaurant, but efforts to save the chef were unsuccessful.

Cobra venom can be reversed with the proper antivenom, but it must be given quickly.

In addition to administering poison through their fangs, some cobras are able to spit it into their victim’s eyes.