
NO money for Forex trading then join , MT5 and Instaforex...

2014-08-25 177 Dailymotion

First we need to register in MT5 forum so here is the link....

And after registration in MT5 ,,then we will register in INSTAFOREX here is the link


Affiliate Code """ portalforum""""

forex traders who have no money to start forex trading so they can join this site... http://forum.mt5.com/index.php?referrerid=1271743
this site and do posting and earns forex trading real balance ,,there are 400000 members are working. The process of free Registration as follow as
Click The Register
Then input
1. Username:

2. Password:

3. Confirm password:

4. Email:

5. Confirm email:

6. Image verification:

Random Question answer

You will get any one Question from the below list

a. Who opens and closes deals upon the demand of its clients?
Ans : broker

b. Who is the one that trades on Forex with an aim to gain profit?
Ans : trader

c. What are traders, relying on a rising currency rate, called?
Ans : bulls

d. What term is there for a difference between Bid and Ask pricing measured in pips?

Ans : spread

e. What term is used for international foreign exchange market?
Ans : forex

7. Image verification Question:

8. Referrer: ranas9 .,.,.And then after registeration click the FORUM (ON THE LEFT CORNER OF THE PAGE) and then choose any thread and post your comments ,0.20$ per comment will be given in your Meta4 trading terminal (insta forex) and then you do trading with real money you have earned