
Let's Play Pokemon: TCG Part 8 - This is Just who I wanted to fight... A Bunch of Hippies

2014-08-20 1 Dailymotion

How do you feel about Trading Card Games? How do you feel about video games? If you said yes to both of these, then good for you. Now if you like seeing both of them combined into one, what the hell's wrong with you? The Pokemon TCG for the Gameboy Color is another example of you need luck in order to beat this game. I don't have any of that, but hey, that's what save states are for. So enjoy this playthrough... I guess.

"Sorry for the delay with this folks, my sleep schedule + morning shifts = something that doesn't mix well. Anyway, today we're gonna take down the rest of the members of the Grass Club in the hopes that we can FINALLY take down the Grass Club Leader.

So far it hasn't been too bad right now, but knowing this game, it can very easily go south very quickly (and even in some cases, before the duel has even begun.) Here's to hoping that I can keep this mominimum up. E-Points to anyone who get's that reference.

[UPDATE] I'm gonna take a small break next week so I can prepare you guys for a special LP I just decided on a whim. It's not gonna be the best LP evar, but I hope that it's something you'll enjoy."