
Grill Brush Bristle Surgically Removed From Woman's Throat

2014-08-01 3,136 Dailymotion

Barbecuing is a crucial summer pastime, however there’s a lurking danger in grilling food that many people are unaware of. A California woman was forced to go to the hospital after a one-inch piece from a grill brush got lodged in her throat.

Barbecuing is a fun summer pastime, however there’s a lurking danger in grilling food that many people are unaware of. A California woman was forced to go to the hospital after a one-inch piece from a grill brush got lodged in her throat.

On Saturday, Shawna McLean had been barbecuing when she took a bite from a freshly grilled piece of meat. Immediately she felt something sharp hit her throat.

Surgeons had to operate to remove the grill brush wire.

McLean has since been released from the hospital, but she’s still unable to eat solid foods. She hopes to warn others and urges people to wipe down their grill with a cloth before placing food on it.

Back in 2012, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report about the dangers of ingesting grill brush bristles, but the issue still persists.

Earlier this year, a young girl in Connecticut, Anna Dunn also underwent surgery to have a metal wire removed from her throat. The bristle had been in her throat since the summer of 2013 after she ate a hot dog at a picnic.