Pulling together my kit savings, that which my friends & family chipped in for my 30th, I invested in a DJI Phantom 2 with Zenmuse H3-3D gimbal to gather stunning aerial stock footage....which I'm going to share with you for FREE!
I contacted a number of suppliers for advice and the fastest to respond by far was HeligGuy - http://www.heliguy.com - Highly recommended.
Visit my website to get these FREE clips before anyone else: http://downloadnatureclip.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/coming-soon.html
I'll be releasing all the aerial clips in this as free stock footage when I hit 2000 subscribers so please share this video to spread the word. You can get them early in the link above so if you see a clip you like, just email me [email protected] and I'll send it to you.
Suggestions: In the comment box, provide some suggestions o what type of free content you would like. Remember: all footage requires me to meet the CAA guidelines http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=1995
As I don't sell my stock footage, most suggestions will be fine but please bear in mind that I am unable to film in fly in built up areas
Get FREE stock footage
Learn more about the Phantom:
Learn about the Zenmuse Gimbal:
Learn more about HeliGuy
Background music
Hitman CC-BY Kevin MacLeod
Like my free content? Support NatureClip using TipJar - you can even buy me lunch! Donate £30 and receive and instant download link to all my content including unseen and 4K content. Visit http://natureclip.co.nr and look out for the PayPal link
You don't need money to support NatureClip, you can help by simply liking the videos that you intend to use or following me:
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