
Rent to Own Homes - Colorado Home Leasing - Lease is More Calculator

2014-07-10 9 Dailymotion

Colorado Home Leasing is Denver's leading provider of lease-to-own solutions for single family homes. We provide qualified applicants, who have failed to qualify for traditional bank financing, with the opportunity to lease, and eventually purchase, a single-family home of their choosing.
At Colorado Home Leasing, we want to reward you for taking good care of your home and for making your lease payments on time. In this video, we provide an overview of our Lease-is-More® program, which allows you to earn points for making your rent payments on time and for taking good care of your home. Those points can then be used to make home improvements, to reduce the amount you'll pay for the house if you decide to purchase, or simply for cash back at the end of your lease.
We’ve built a calculator to help you determine the points you can earn.
Ready to get started?
Once you’re on the site, visit our Lease-to-Owner’s Page.
Enter the user name and password that we provided you with when you submitted your application. If you haven’t yet applied, click this link to access our pre-application questionnaire.
Now that you’re logged on, scroll down to the Lease-is-More calculator and begin to enter the relevant information into all eight fields.
Step One – enter the number of rent payments you expect to make on time.
Step Two - enter the number of rent payments you expect will be late.
Step Three – Enter the grades you expect to receive from Colorado Home Leasing for your annual property inspection. At least one a year, we’ll inspect the property and give you a grade. The higher the grade, the better you’ve taken care of the property and the more points you can earn.
Step Four – Will you be purchasing your home at the end of your lease, by exercising your option contract?
Step Five – Will you be making your lease payments online, through our e-payment system?
Step Six - enter the amount you expect your home to appreciate each year. This number is important because Colorado Home Leasing partners with you and shares in the home’s expected appreciation.
Finally, click the calculate button.
For this example, we entered: 36 Rent Payments Made On time, zero late rent payments, all A+ Home Inspection grades, a desire to purchase the Home at the End of the Lease, all rent payments made online, and an Expected Annual Home Price Appreciation of 7.5%
Based upon the values that you’ve entered, you’ll have earned approximately 2,700 Lease-is-More points at the end of your lease.
Those Lease-is-More points could be redeemed for $2,700 worth of home improvements, or for $1,890 towards the purchase of your home, or for $1,350 cash-back at the end of your lease. See your lease and option contracts for additional details.
Stop throwing your money away on rent and start participating in the housing market recovery.
Visit us at coloradohomeleasing.com and become one of our Lease-to-Owners today.