
WorksForWeb PHP Scripts Tutorial. Admin Panel Part 1.

2014-07-08 116 Dailymotion

Опубликовано: 13 февр. 2014 г.

It seems to be hard to build a website. But is it really so? Not at all with the WorksForWeb business solutions. Offered php scripts are to replace creating websites process with ready-made websites. Now you can just click the button and get classifieds. CMS (content management system) in turn allows adding, deleting and editing new content. Build a website; customize website software according to your wishes. Remember that website script is just a template and you are free to make any changes.

One of the WorksForWeb business solutions is iAuto, website script for car dealers. If you are here, we can suppose that you have already installed this website software, but don't know how to use it. This quick guide is prepared for the purpose of helping you to make yourself familiar with the admin panel of your own website. Menu on the left side of the admin panel allows changing different settings and adding new content by using classifieds cms. As you will see, content management system is pretty easy to use. Front-end in turn allows looking at how classifieds looks like for clients.

In the first part of the WorksForWeb website software tutorial we will touch upon the issue of dashboard, listing management and user management menu items. You will see how to manage your own website by using content management system. With the WorksForWeb business solutions that offer php scripts, which are almost ready-made websites, creating websites is not so arid now!

To get all the information about how to build a website using WorksForWeb php scripts continue with the second part of the Admin Panel Tutorial

Helpful links:

iAuto - http://www.worksforweb.com/classified...
iRealty - http://www.worksforweb.com/classified...
iLister - http://www.worksforweb.com/classified...
iAuto Bikes - http://www.worksforweb.com/classified...
iLister Pets - http://www.worksforweb.com/classified...
iLister Machiery - http://www.worksforweb.com/classified...

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