Recent News Bits from May 2007
Sarkozy Inaugurated as French President (AP May 16 2007)
Nicolas Sarkozy took office Wednesday as the new president of France, waving farewell to the outgoing Jacques Chirac and promising a new era of government that will unite political rivals and give a strong role to women.
Soldiers: Afghanistan is "The Forgotten War" (AP May 16 2007)
U.S. Soldiers serving in the Zabul area of Afghanistan share their frustrations about the war with an Associated Press Television cameraman. Many feel the war has been overshadowed by the war in Iraq.
Bush Bids Blair a Fond Farewell (AP May 19 2007)
British Prime Minister Tony Blair makes a final visit to Iraq, meeting with its leaders. He said the country's leadership assured him they are making progress on quelling terrorism and violence.
Britain's Blair Says Farewell to Iraq (AP May 19 2007)
British Prime Minister Tony Blair makes a final visit to Iraq, meeting with its leaders.
See other AP video reports here (click on WORLD) :
The last video bit is a heads up on a Special Documentary that will air on PBS / OPB
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007
9:00 pm (120 minutes)
The Blair Decade
The inside story of Tony Blair's rise to power, providing a new view of Britain's prime minister.
(show description from ):
A documentary look at British Prime Minister Tony Blair's 10 years in office, including his success at forgoing peace in Northern Ireland, and his decision to back the U.S. in the Iraq War. Included insights from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former White House chief of staff Andrew Card, former defense secretary William Cohen, former British foreign secretary Jack Staw, former British Conservative Party leader William Hague, and British US Ambassador David Manning.
See PBS / OPB schedule here:
or check here: