A Qantas flight, destined for Melbourne, was forced to return to Los angeles after water leaked on the plane. The trouble started about an hour after the aircraft departed from LAX.
“A Qantas flight, bound for Melbourne, has returned to Los Angeles after water was discovered leaking from a pipe on the aircraft’s upper deck.” [Via Sky News]
The trouble started about an hour after the aircraft departed from LAX.
The plane reportedly left LAX at 12:15 a.m. and arrived back at the airport before 2:40 a.m. Yvette Nicole Brown, who stars in NBC's ‘Community’ was one of the passengers on the plane.
She took to Twitter to share her experiences. In one Tweet, she remarked “Pipe burst on my #Qantas flight over the Pacific. We were diverted back to LA. River running thru the aisles.”
“Qantas spokesperson said that there was never really a safety concern or a problem or danger but in the interest of passenger comfort, the pilot decided to return to L.A.” [Via KTLA]
The water is the result of a pipe that burst. Travelers were moved to drier areas and given blankets while waiting to land.
Qantas along with plane manufacturer Airbus are working together to determine what caused the leak. The airline has issued an apology to passengers for the inconvenience.