
Best Music Editing Software #1 - Wobbles + Basslines = Dubstep - Best Music Editing Software

2014-06-29 48 Dailymotion

Best music making software http://tinyurl.com/m7bbcmt

If you're wondering what the best music making software is, take it from someone who's been producing beats for a long time. I've tried nearly every music making program that exists, Reason, Logic, Fl Studio, Ableton, Dub Turbo, & BTV Solo. If you're a newbie to music production, let me give you a few tips.

Music making software is not defined by its price tag. In fact, more expensive software tends to be extremely complicated, and it can take years for you to learn the program. I've tried free music software like audacity and hated it. Many people were recommending this program but I found that the interface was a nightmare to understand. It was also a nightmare to look at it. Which brings us to our next point.

One thing that many pros forget to mention about music making software, is that your eyes are going to spend A LOT of time looking at the program. This is known as its "graphical user interface" or "GUI". Your personality has to match with the interface of a program, there is no other way to say it. Forget equalizers for now, forget compression ratios and all that complex stuff. If your EYES can't handle the program, if you find the interface boring, if the software is not set up so its fun and inviting to use, you won't learn the software no matter what.

This is why I recommend BTV Solo. It makes the perfect first choice for a newbie. And the longer you produce on music software, the more and more you'll realize that you don't have to pay a ton of money, just to make awesome beats. This is a myth that started in that 80's when analog synths were the only means to producing beats. So a producer had to drop thousands back then just to produce. Even these days, I have personally dropped thousands on different sequencers. I had to learn the hard way. Which is why I feel its so important that newbies get this through their head.

Music making software is just a tool! Thats it! Its like a hammer. Some pe