
Planet Capable Of Supporting Life Discovered Nearby

2014-06-27 236 Dailymotion

A planet that is likely able to support life has been found, and at only 16 light years away, it’s just a relative hop, skip, and a jump from Earth.

An exoplanet that may be able to support life has been found, and at only 16 light years away, it’s just a relative hop, skip, and a jump from Earth.

It’s called Gliese 832c, and orbits around the red dwarf star it’s named after.

Among the several things it has going for it are the dim light that emanates from Gliese 832, and its proximity to it.

The combination of those factors makes the existence of water a possibility, increasing the odds it could support life.

It also means that energy levels there could be quite similar to the ones found here.

Not everything about Gliese 832c is a mark in the win column, though.

As much as it resembles Earth, there is the potential for significant and deal breaking variables.

For one, it’s five times the size of our planet, making it what scientists call a Super-Earth.

While its location in relation to its sun compensates for temperature shifts that may be influenced by its size, the atmospheric quality may make that at moot point.

One scientist cautioned, “A denser atmosphere, something expected for Super-Earths, could easily make this planet too hot for life and a ‘Super-Venus’ instead.”