
Felt Pads - How To Install Felt Pads On Chair Legs

2014-06-25 6 Dailymotion


Here is the proper way of installing felt pads to your chairs, tables, chests, bar stools, book shelves or any other furniture you might have that slide on top of your hard wood floors, laminate floors or vinyl floor. Above is the link to the felt pad combo pack I purchased on Amazon.

Before I start I would like to go over a few important points:

1. For best practices I recommend changing your felt pads every 12 months, Now, on items moved frequently like sofas, chairs or tables it's best to change every 6 months (This pic is of one of my dinning room chairs after only 12 months and you can see the felt is almost warn off, Not Good!)

2. If your floor is hand scraped or has a ruff finish I would recommend getting felt pads that come with a nail. They are about four times the cost as the self stick felt pads that I am demonstrating today, but when it comes to your floor, better safe than sorry.

3. Make sure you are diligent in checking the felt pads often, you wouldn't want one of those suckers to come off and scratch your floor.

4. I also recommend using felt pads on table top items such as lamps, picture frames, TV's or statues. This will keep your Tables from also getting scratched.

Okay, so now that we have that out of the way, lets begin on the proper way of installing felt pads on your chair leg:

Step #1 - Take off old felt pads (if you have them installed already, that is.)
Wow! how dirty is that? and that's only after 12.

Step #2 - Clean off surface with a fast drying solvent like paint thinner or reducer.
I did it twice just for good measure.
I also went over it with a double fine steel wool to clean up anything else left behind.
Take a look! The surface is clean now.

Step #3 - Make sure the surface is completely dry then peel off the backing on the sticky part of the felt pad.

Step #4 - Place in the center of the surface and press firmly for best adhesion.

There you have it! I'm good for the next 6 months or so... Maybe my next project should be to refinish these chairs.

Thanks for watching,