
Japan Rail Service Accepting Kit Kat Bars As Tickets

2014-06-24 467 Dailymotion

Japan’s rail service Sanriku Railway and Nestle Japan have teamed up to celebrate the reopening of the northern lines by accepting Kit Kat Bars as tickets.

One of Japan’s rail companies, Sanriku Railway, has teamed up with Nestle to celebrate the reopening of the northern lines by accepting KitKat wrappers as tickets.

The routes have been closed ever since the devastating earthquake and tsunami struck the region in 2011 and subsequent meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant.

It’s hoped that the promotion will help bring tourism back to the affected area.

KitKats enjoy a unique popularity in Japan, as they’ve become an ingrained social custom.

To give someone a KitKat is a way to wish them well on an endeavor or simply to send some good luck their way.

The name of the candy is similar to the phrase Kitto-Katsu, which translates as ‘you will surely win’.

To cheer on the workers as they rebuilt the miles of track washed out during the string of disasters, they were often given KitKats.

Once Nestle heard of the chocolately well-wishes, they began to donate to the cause.

They’re continuing their support and as a part of the Kit KatTickets promotion have decorated two of the trains and stations with pink cherry blossoms, which are symbols of hope.