
Paula Glynn - Trouser Enthusiast

2014-06-24 15 Dailymotion

Feminism is my middle name,
For I fight for the right for female empowerment,
I don't like women being treated like second class citizens,
I want all women to have equal opportunities,
To live in the same community with the same rights,
I am glad women have the vote,
That there're female doctors, nurses, lawyers and the suchlike,
For I am a trouser enthusiast through and through,
But I am not butch, although I do wear lipstick,
For women shouldn't have to look like a girl,
Talk like a man and think like a woman,
Women should not have to change into something they're not,
But feminism has taken charge for the century just gone,
Women fighting for their social freedom and not allowing themselves,
To be treated like a sex object, for a woman isn't just a body:
A woman has a brain and deserves to be treated with respect,
Not to be treated in an inferior way,
And women have learnt to wear the trousers in the relationship,
And don't accept or tolerate abuse and won't allow themselves to be used,
For this is derogatory and the lowest of the low,
And all women, young and old, need to know,
That they deserve respect in any relationship and any violent man,
Needs to be kicked to the kerb and shown the door.

Paula Glynn
