
Batman Solo Film Coming?? DC Comics News! - CineFix Now

2014-08-01 162 Dailymotion

Sources now say there will be a Batman solo flick entitled "The Batman" in 2019. That's, like, 5 years from now. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

If the recently "leaked" DC Comics Movie slate wasn't enough for you, sounds like there's a Batman-centered film in the works, giving Ben Affleck at least one more outing as Bruce Wayne. Which inspires us once again to take a look at what DC Comics is planning overall over the next decade(?)

Read more about "The Batman" here: http://goo.gl/I9Wz4g

Are you excited about The Batman, if it becomes an official thing? Are you excited about Jason Mamoa as Aquaman, if THAT becomes an official thing? How many comic book movies are you planning to see between now and, say, 2024? Do you think there will be comic book movie fatigue when this is all over?

Let us know in the comments below!

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