

2014-06-18 24 Dailymotion

I was born in pakistan
But in the back sit of the taxi my mother was sitting while the cab driver Was driving my mother to the hospital
But due to heavy traffic in the road and at the same time bumper to Bumper
My mother water broke and my mother screamed to the taxi driver in Hindu stop the cab I am about to give birth
He told her that the same thing hapened to a women that took his taxi last Night and that he delivered a baby last night
So by now he had the experience in delivering babies
And I came slowly out of my mothers womb and at 6: 35 pm indian time I Was born and enter the world at 6: 45 pm
Right away my mother breasfeed me in the back of the taxi
And the taxi driver asked her what she was gint to name the child just For Curiosity in himdu
She said I love the name Pakistan and my child will be called Paky Ghafor
And the taxi driver said in hindu that is funny because my name is Paky Also and my mother said in hindu what a coincedence

Aldo Kraas
