You made me walk alone
with noone by my side
not another person
that can walk the same stride
You said we'd be together
for better and for worst
but I knew that you were lying
as they took you in the herse
I know it's not your fault
that he had no clue what to do
but that doctor was really stupid
and let God take you away too
I blame it on myself
how could I be so blind
our love was going haywire
and you thought it was your time
So as the hours are passing
every millisecond too
I realize that I cant look back
there is nothing left to do
I should have kep it hidden
where you never were to look
like maybe on the bookshelf
in a hollow book
But I don't think you ever loved me
just hated to be alone
you couldn't even say ' I love you '
when we hung up on the phone
So I guess you weren't trying
there was no effort at all
you were just dieing
and letting me take the fall
You had felt no pain
you had felt no glory
you life was just
an unwritten story
Misty Jepson