A choice made to separate, '
With others of like minds to isolate...
Over time in this kind of confinement,
Diminishes the health of mental wellness.
And this observation,
Is witnessed without needed statistics...
Over studied by celebrated psychologists,
To prove with shared findings...
As to which group out of their minds,
Satisfies an ongoing and prolonged research.
Since the proof has served up the madness,
Effective yet denied...
Where the grass is kept pristine to accept.
But the nuts that are seen are not pecan.
Nor are they falling to keep hidden behind trees.
Or picked from the ground where peanuts are found,
In climates warm and with inviting sensibilities.
These nuts have only one objective!
To appear impressive...That's all. That's it!
And not to address mental stability.
Admitting this to reveal its existence,
Would not appease those of proper etiquette.
Lawrence S. Pertillar