
Margaret Alice Second - I Send My Thoughts

2014-06-17 2 Dailymotion

Godliness is in need of female characteristics
- Godhood is such a limited concept with eyes,
Ears, nose and hands; for me a god-concept
Should be BIG - being ALL vision, ALL hearing,
ALL knowing, ALL feeling

A Consciousness permeating the universe so that
Every lifeless thing is aware of being in existence
Without the need for five senses nor to appear in
Human form; a bright golden energy shining like
A light will suffice - all loving and intelligent

I send my thoughts into this force where they gather
Momentum to reach you with all the love in my heart,
Thoughts of joy and prosperity; wishing I could make
You feel these good wishes through your five senses,
Maybe telepathy will come to my aid…

'A la façon dont Il nous a traitées, on voit bien que Dieu est un homme.'

Mme de Tencin

“Looking at the way He treated us, it is clear that God is a man”
Mrs de Tencin

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Margaret Alice Second
