be true to your own paths.
each of you has a destiny
that is your own.
each of you is on a journey,
that only you can take.
there will be storms, tragedies,
and fleeting moments of triumph.
above all, keep on walking.
be respectful!
respect the people you meet...
their thoughts, their feelings,
their religious views,
their sexual orientation,
their way of life...
but be true to yourself.
doubt all things!
question all things!
even what i've told you.
prove all things to yourself.
keep what works for you.
work hard, love even harder.
give more than you take.
care past the point of caring.
live each moment as if
it were your whole lifetime.
be not afraid to touch
to get involved, to get dirty.
help as many people as you can.
forgive quickly,
for you will need forgiveness..
take in stray dogs and cats.
remember that i love you...
when you feel alone, depressed,
or just plain weary...
that still small voice patting
you on the back is me...
i am proud of you,
and i believe in you!
keep walking!
Eric Cockrell