
Eric Cockrell - In Closing

2014-06-17 0 Dailymotion

each person's life is a message,
every action a crucial page
in the book of time and again.
behind every action lies intent,
it is in the intent
that we are born anew.
decades of waiting for
the flower to bloom,
yet in a moment the petals fall.
will they hit the ground like thunder?
or kiss it like soft falling rain?

we identify only by touching,
are made eternal by compassionate involvement.
our bodies become dead branches
for the everlasting fire,
only our giving makes us eternal.

we have sung of equality and freedom,
tore the masks off prejudice and fear.
spat in the face of greed and wars.
under the flag of common people.

the chant resonates throughout time!
feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless.
stop the wars, and live with respect,
make your walk your prayers!

believing always in the connection,
all living beings and the earth.
knowing that the face of god
lives in each and every person.

that doubt and questions are the key,
that unlocks the door of faith.
and faith itself be but this...
two hands joining on the journey!

Eric Cockrell
