have spent all morning
talking about taking responsibility...
the problem is we come from the
generation that blames...
we blame every one and everything
else for the mess we've created.
we blame politicians, businessmen,
religions, people of different
colors, different sexual orientations...
our parents, our neighbors,
bigots, the world economy...
but bottom line, people.
we are responsible.
we are the price, and the cost.
we are the reason that there is
hunger, want, need, and poverty.
we are the cause of the fighting,
and the victims of our own choices.
nothing will ever change until we do!
until we face the man/woman
in the mirror, there can be no tomorrow.
until we learn to live,
not just to exist,
there can be no eternal life.
until we own and forgive,
there can be no forgiveness.
i make just as many mistakes,
and probably more,
than you do...
but i can see the bottom line.
and the truth is,
i know i am responsible!
nothing left to say...
you're probably tired of my ranting...
so if you're going to listen,
listen to the voice inside
of your hearts...
and follow your path...
you are not alone!
Eric Cockrell