
Eric Cockrell - Those We Encounter!

2014-06-17 0 Dailymotion

there is only one race
of people, the human race!
the leaf that's green
in the springtime,
that turns to red and gold,
then to brown, and falls...
is always a leaf!
the human heart,
regardless of skin color,
language, or faith,
is the same in each of us.

when we fight and kill each other,
we are killing ourselves.
what we take from those less fortunate,
we take from ourselves.
what we hate, and fear,
and dont understand,
is the darkness inside of us all.

all life holy, all life of equal value.
any system that judges
and seperates by color or beliefs,
by economic conditions,
is corrupt!

the emptiness inside
is the suffering shared.
the final responsibility,
to each and to all!
the search for the self
begins and ends,
in the eyes of those we encounter!

Eric Cockrell
