He had a very bad twitch
Did dear old Uncle Sid
But loved to go to Auctions
So he was called Sid the bid.
But because of his nervous tic
Auctioneers would zoom in on Sid
As it looked like he was winking
And he'd made another bid.
So poor old Sid stood out
And he'd end up with loads of tat
Horrible paintings and bric-a-brac
And once a large stuffed Cat.
But this never stopped him from returning
He'd go three or four times a week
He had now become addicted
His weakness was anything antique.
But sadly one day at an Auction
Sid fell dead to the ground
His cause of death was down to shock
As he'd just bought a painting for a Million pound.
So he died doing what he loved best
But it was to be his final bid
Still at least it had a happy ending
As Sid didn't have to pay a Million quid!
Kevin Halls