Train Spotters
Bobbies on the beat
Fish and Chip shops
and Coronation Street.
Regional accents
a Milkman on his round
Bowler hatted business men
stores that sell stuff for a pound.
A nation of Dog lovers
lines of people in a queue
keeping a stiff upper lip
the working class and well-to-do.
People on Allotments
a Car Boot sale
eccentrics and oddballs
Pubs that serve Real Ale.
Traditional Sunday Roast
contaminated meat
unpredictable weather
moaning about the heat.
Eyes down for a full house
down at the Bingo hall
the annual Boat Race
Cricket, Rugby, Football.
So this is our British Isles
what a unique place to be
where all conflict is settled
over a nice cup of Tea!
Kevin Halls