
Kevin Halls - Pubs

2014-06-17 4 Dailymotion

Every English Village has one
some with maybe Two or Three
with names like The Red Lion,
The Crafty Fox, or The Lime Tree.
In towns and Cities are plenty
where you can have a Beer and a Bite
but some Pubs are a bit rough and ready
where the drinkers like a Pint and a fight.
Pubs are part of our British culture
just like Cricket, Darts, and Football,
blokes like to meet up on a weekend
and go on a long boozy pub crawl.
Women go from Pub to Pub on a Hen Night
they really let their Hair down
knocking back drink after drink
they end up staggering about town.
Young lads just out of school
get drunk on just a couple of Beers
while Teenage girls go a bit crazy
and end up blotto and in tears.
But Pubs are closing down everywhere
boarded up on every High Street
so could this be the end of Public Houses
as people only go there for a treat?

Kevin Halls
