
Kevin Halls - The Homeless

2014-06-17 1 Dailymotion

I passed a scruffy chap
begging for some cash
but I said cold heartedly
sorry mate I have to dash.
But that wasn't the truth
as I wasn't going anywhere
I just thought he was a scrounger
so to his plight I didn't give a care.
But the next day he was there again
and again the day after that
but he looked pale and really ill
so I put a pound into his hat.
He said thanks dear friend
and wished me a nice day
he sounded really sincere
and I didn't know what to say.
I found out he was really homeless
and he wasn't a scrounger after all
he needed money to feed himself
which made me feel bad and rather small.
So I try hard not to judge these days
instead before being judgemental I think
that this person may be really genuine
and not begging for money for drugs or drink.
People are losing jobs and their homes
and are ending up on the streets sleeping rough
they once were living the high life
but sadly times now are really tough.
So the next time you see someone begging
just think before you walk on by
that this person has hit rock bottom
and who knows one day it could be you or I.

Kevin Halls
