They're not called second hand stores
as that's not politically correct
so you must call them charity shops
out of courtesy and respect.
But where would we be without them?
because some are like an Aladdin's cave
as in them you'll find all kinds of stuff
and look at all the money you can save.
There's clothes for all shapes and sizes
Jumpers, T.Shirts, Trousers, and Shoes,
myself I like looking through the books
and the C.D'S of Rock, Pop, and the Blues.
We're living in a time of Austerity
meaning there's not much money to go around
so thank God for all of the charity shops
and those that sell everything for a pound.
So if your a bloke looking for a suit
or a woman after a blouse or a top
there's a good chance you'll find one
down your good old local charity shop!
Kevin Halls