Stood for ages waiting for the bus
then at last one did finally arrive
as usual it was full to brimming
and as noisy as a Bee Hive.
At the back there were school kids
and one of them was smoking a fag
an old lady told him to put it out
but he refused and called her an old bag.
Thankfully the smoker got off the next stop
but not before giving the lady the V sign
then a drunk bloke got on and sat next to me
and he smelt of stale cigarettes and wine.
He tried to make conversation not just with me
but with all the passengers on the lower deck
he then tried chatting up a teenage girl
who told him he looked a bit like Shrek.
A woman was talking loudly on her mobile phone
saying that her doctor told her not to worry
we all heard about her weight problems
as the doctor told her to cut down on chips and Curry.
So if your looking for inspiration for a poem
or you've writers block and feeling non plus
don't just sit there staring out of the window
do what I just did and hopped on a local Bus!
Kevin Halls