The weather girl is cheerful and smiling
as she tells us it's rain yet again
the U.K.will be wet all of the week
but the neighbours don't care, their off to Spain.
But when your skint what does it matter
when you can't afford even a day trip
the nearest you'll get to Sun, Sea, and Sand,
is dreaming about it when your having a kip.
Still never mind you've got lots of jobs to do
while everyone is abroad in the blazing Sun
there's painting the walls and the ceiling
watching it dry is always so much fun.
And there amongst all the pile of bills
are postcards all shiny and lying on the mat
there's one from the neighbours in sunny Spain
and a couple from my mate who's gone to Montserrat.
Your looking at people stood in front of Palm Trees
another one of a beautiful bright Blue sea
but your stuck at home with a paint brush in hand
and you've just received bills for Gas and Electricity.
Still at least your not suffering with Sunburn
and you've not got a nasty tropical disease
so therefore your skin isn't flaky or peeling off
due to temperatures exceeding One Hundred Degrees.
SO yes our weather can be dreadful and miserable
and it can get you down and leave you feeling low
but look that pretty weather girl is on the telly
and she's smiling as she tells us it's going to snow!
Kevin Halls