I once had a dog called Keith
who had one eye and no teeth
so he had a bark and no bite
in fact he looked a bit of a sight.
Keith loved to lie on his belly
especially when watching the telly
because he didn't have any teeth
he couldn't chew meat like beef.
So when he was watching his telly
he'd get stuck into bowls of jelly
at night we couldn't go to the park
as Keith was afraid of the dark.
Keith was a very strange dog
he was afraid of even a frog
when one jumped on his back
old Keith nearly had a heart attack.
He was scared of birds and cats
and flies, and wasps, and gnats,
he was petrified of a mouse
he ran and hid all over the house..
Looking back I think he was insane
because everything scared him even rain
but I really loved old Keith
with his single eye and no teeth.
He may not have been very brave
but I'm grateful for the loyalty he gave
he'll be brave now in doggy paradise
as they'd be no frogs or mice.
In canine heaven he'll have two eyes and teeth
he'll be top dog now will my old Keith!
Kevin Halls