
Ronald Sanchez - Raindrops

2014-06-17 2 Dailymotion

Every raindrops falling from heaven
Reminds me of the past;
Every raindrops has it's own reason
That i often ask.

Why would we always recall
The happy and a sad moments;
With every raindrops fall
Gives us pain and total excitement.

Why would it gives us peace
Even it looks like bringing an endless pain?
Why we feel joy and gloom
During and after the rain?

Why we feel alone
Even we are with our friends?
But why some people likes about it
It's because they feel free or they wanted to meet new friends?

Raindrops is always been a part
Of every person's story;
It gives us so many reason
Why we should persue our goals
And hit it where or what we wanted to be.

Ronald Sanchez
