

2014-06-16 10 Dailymotion

The cloud gets serious and determined
Desperate to impress like a player in camp
With concentration as to an assignment
Ready to deliver the best it can
Like it was forever, it aren’t stopping
Pouring heavily as if against somebody
But who it’s against stands behind the mirror

Everybody is afraid of getting wet
As it pours as if it’s telling to stay indoor
And declaring a public holiday
Washing the street clean in sanitation
Giving costume to people on appointment
Checkmating the quality of assets
Warning against future jeopardy

The rain acting weary
Assisted by thunderstorm and lightening
Strengthening its intensity
Hailing it like its fans
Akin to its imperator, the sound heavier
Making it scary and frightening
As if God is flooding the earth again?

But as the rain abolish several plans
It ushers in the season of plenty
And it’s like its presiding
Declaring dos and don’ts at wish
But who is the rain fathering?
Sounds like something is wrong
Could the earth not be directly under God?

sholadoye Dada
