
hasmukh amathalal - Such attacks

2014-06-16 1 Dailymotion

Why the hell is let loose for being girl?
Why has there been tremendous change and turn?
Why is there spurt in violence and crime?
Is this the way for civilized people not to act in bad time?

Big cities are mostly feared of such attack
Girls are picked up, molested and not returned back
Some kind of chemical is thrown on face to disfigure body
What can we call it dastardly act on part of somebody?

This is not the time to pass the blame game
We should try to find out the root cause from where it has come
What reasons can be attributed for sudden rise in atrocity?
It is really matter of great concern and we all feel pity

We have heard a lot about exploitation
We too have come across the deteriorating relation
But has never heard that female child is not allowed to born
No one has definite clue as how to control such thing and govern

Time has now come to take fast decision
Females can't be made extinct for our indecision
There is alarming proportionate ratio in disfavor
The girls may become extinct and cause may be lost forever

It is good to feel that ladies have taken over on many front
They have adopted conciliator approach and avoided to confront
It is good sign as both are like two wheels of the life
Life as such is crucial test and its edge is like sharp knife

hasmukh amathalal
